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The following sport profiles determine the sport class in which the athlete will compete.

H 1
  • Tetraplegic with impairments corresponding to a complete cervical lesion at C6 or above
  • Complete loss of trunk and lower limb function
  • Limited extension of the elbow with a muscle score of 6 (total of both triceps)
  • Limited handgrip
  • Thermo-regulatory system limitations
  • Impaired sympathetic nerve system
  • Non-spinal cord injury, but functional ability profile equivalent to class H 1
  • Recumbent position in handbike mandatory (AP-bikes)
  • Severe spastic quadriplegic with/without athetosis/ataxic and elbow extensionlimitation (poor head and very poor trunk control)
H 2
  • Tetraplegic with impairments corresponding to a complete cervical lesion at C7/C8 or above
  • Complete loss of trunk and lower limb function
  • Thermo-regulatory system limitations
  • Impaired sympathetic nerve system
  • Non-spinal cord injury, but functional ability profile equivalent to class H 2
  • Recumbent position in handbike mandatory (AP-bikes)
  • Severe spastic quadriplegic with/without athetosis/ataxic and no elbow extensionlimitation (poor to fair head and very poor trunk control)
H 3.1
  • Paraplegic with impairments corresponding to a complete lesion from Th1 to Th3
  • Very limited trunk stability
  • Impaired sympathetic nerve system
  • Non-spinal cord injury, but functional ability profile equivalent to class H 3.1
  • Recumbent position in handbike mandatory (AP-bikes)
  • Moderate quadriplegia with/without athetosis/ataxic. Poor trunk control, asymmetry in upper limbs
H 3.2
  • Paraplegic with impairments corresponding to a complete lesion from Th4 to Th9/Th10
  • Limited trunk stability
  • Non-spinal cord injury, but functional ability profile equivalent to class H 3.2
  • Recumbent position in handbike mandatory (AP-bikes)
  • Moderate quadriplegia with/without athetosis/ataxic. Poor trunk control, symmetrical upper limbs, severe hemiplegia (non-ambulant), severe diplegia (non-ambulant) and athetosis/ataxic (moderate upper limb involvement, severe lower limb involvement)
H 4
  • Paraplegic with impairments corresponding to a complete lesion from Th11 or below
  • No lower limb function or limited function
  • Normal or almost normal trunk stability
  • Non-spinal cord injury, but functional ability profile equivalent to class H 4
  • Incomplete loss of lower limb function, functional ability profile equivalent to classH3 or H4, with other disabilities, which prevent the safe use of a conventional bicycle, tricycle or the Kneeling position in a handbike
  • Recumbent position in handbike (AP-bike)
  • Severe diplegia and athetosis/ataxic (almost normal trunk and upper limb function, severe lower limb involvement), hemiplegic with spasticity Grade 2-3, lower limb more involved
H 5
  • Paraplegic with impairments corresponding to a complete lesion from Th11 or below
  • Double below or Double through knee amputee
  • Single leg amputation (AK), minimal disability below knee amputation (BK)
  • Incomplete loss of lower limb function, with other disabilities, which prevent the save use of a conventional bicycle or tricycle
  • Kneeling Position (ATP-bike), in case of mobility reduction if prevents kneeling, the athlete can use a recumbent bike in H4
  • Hemiplegic with spasticity Grade 2, lower limb more involved, mild to moderate diplegia or athetoids with almost normal trunk and upper limb function
H Open
  • all other athletes (including the able bodied and unclassified athletes)
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